Lens Control System

Teradek RT

How to connect Moon

  • Connect the Brain to the MDR.X IN-1 connector with a custom serial cable (MSF.C40.08).
  • Set the Teradek Range Module to OFF in the MDR.X menu.
  • Set the IN-1 MODE to CINETAPE.

To get the readout from the Moon Smart Focus system in the hand unit (and connected SmallHD monitor) you first have to set the Teradek Range Module to off. This can only be done in the MDR.X menu. Go into the menu on the MDR.X, step down to RX CONFIG, then choose RANGE FNDR and set it to OFF.

The next step is to set the IN-1 MODE to CINETAPE. This is done under RX CONFIG as well, it is the next menu choice just below RANGE FNDR. To spare you from possible confusion and troubleshooting, please note that If you were to set RANGE FNDR to MID MOTOR the IN-1 MODE would revert back to OFF and you would need to set it back to CINETAPE again (after setting RANGE FNDR back to OFF).

On the Moon side, you need to set the lens control system protocol to Cinetape. To do this go into Settings in the Moon app. Under SERIAL PROTOCOL (you can either just scroll down to get there, or use the SERIAL quick link in the top row) set CONTROLLER to CINETAPE. CONTROLLER INTERFACE should be MOON SERIAL CONNECTOR. With the latest Moon software update you do not need to save, parameters are saved as soon as you change them. With previous software updates, do not forget to press SAVE or SAVE & MAIN just below the Serial Protocol section!

Now press the display button on the CTRL.3 hand until you get to the display view with focus distance and rangefinder distance, which now will be the readout coming from your Moon Smart Focus system! The display button on the CTRL.3 is one of the programable user buttons just below the small display. If you do not see a display button you can set one of the buttons to do that by going into the menu on the hand unit and step down to BUTTONS.

You can also set one of the user buttons to CINE and that button will then toggle autofocus on and off.

If you have the hand unit connected to a SmallHD monitor you will get the readout in the monitor as well, in numbers and as an arrow on the focus scale in the monitor. To activate this after connecting the 5-pin Teradek serial cable between the CTRL.3 and a compatible SmallHD monitor, chose ADD NEW TOOL then ADDONS, Teradek RT and ADD TO THIS PAGE in the monitor’s PageOS operating system.