Release notes

v2.15.3: Miscellaneous
This update adds support for Moon Smart Focus LITE units. But other than that, no changes. Happy filming!
v2.15.2: Release notes
Release notes You are already reading this so you know but with this version and forward, you will be able to read about what we changed in a version prior to deciding to update. You can also read about the latest changes in the version you have installed.
We will try to use the release notes not only to give you information on what changed but also try to give some background information on how new features work and why they might be useful for you.
Post We have improved performance when recording distance data and added the ability to export to the OpenEXR format.
v2.15.1: Tilta bug fix
We had the rather embarassing realization that the new settings were missing the option to reverse the direction of the lens mapping for Tilta. Making the mounting options for motors restricted to say the least. This setting is now in place.
v2.15.0: Revamped settings
We have made some long overdue improvements to our settings so spend a little time getting familiar with everything again before taking Moon on set. Do not worry, the functionality generally remains the same but the name and/or organization have been changed to improve ease of use. We will likely have to tweak things here and there in future versions but we're pretty confident that it is a lot better than before. Please let us know if we accidentally broke something in your current workflow so we can start figuring out a remedy.
Settings navigation. We have tried to limit the update to settings but one change worth mentioning specifically is that the way you reach settings from the main screen has changed in order to create space for a future update (that we’re quite enthusiastic about!).
This is how you can now reach settings from the main screen. You can also just double-tap the menu button to go directly to the settings without opening the popup menu. What is this Moon View magic, you ask? Moon View is our new way of adjusting the field of view and overall cropping of the image without having to type in any numbers. You can even create presets and quickly switch between them without leaving the main screen. Double-clicking the Moon View button takes you directly to the relevant settings.
External wifi You can now connect Brain to an external wifi access point. Please read the step-by-step instructions as the process is a bit more involved than we would like it to be.
Leica laser We’re not sure if it is useful for anyone else than us but you can now use a Leica laser measure as a target via Bluetooth.
Miscellaneous highlights
- When factory resetting, the Tilta lens mapping files are now kept per default with an option to delete them.
- Clicking on a nearest point multi preset (e.g. 3x1) now de-selects it. Thanks for the suggestion, Andre!
- Bluetooth stability has been improved.
- The reset exposure button in the popup menu now also resets exposure time.
- In rare cases, the fan could start in quiet mode. Also, the fan curve has been adjusted so it is less likely that a switch back and forth between quiet and cool modes results in a temporarily much raised rpm.
- For some Eyes, the camera illustration was showing wildly incorrect angles. It was an annoying problem and we're happy to report that this seems to be working properly now.
- We identified and fixed some edge case bugs with the outlier impact prevention.
v2.14.2: Technical bug fixes
We recommend updating to this version when you can.
v2.14.1: Preston bug fix
We fixed an issue where the Preston controller could fail to start, causing no data to be sent. If you are a Preston user, please update to this version.
v2.14.0: Begone save buttons!
Auto-save Per popular demand, we managed to rid the settings pages of almost all save buttons and made changes auto-save instead. Hopefully simpler and a little bit faster for you.
Body priority We've added a new priority to the list of priority modes to improve tracking over longer distances. This will measure the distance to the upper body of the actors. If you want, you can have the priority switch from eyes to body mode at a distance of your choosing.
Body priority settings. The priority will gradually transition from the selected priority to body priority at the chosen distance. -
Moon View Instead of previously having to define the field of view by percentages, you now do it visually.
Adjust what Moon sees in much the same way you adjust tracking and exposure regions on the main screen. Note that Moon can only act on what it sees so in many cases it can be better to set this wider than your main camera in order to track people before they enter the frame. At longer distances, you might have to set this tight around the actors for Moon to figure out that it is something proportionally relevant to track. -
Autofocus Much improved autofocus functionality for all systems. We think this is a big deal and should be better documented but for now, you'll have to ask us about the specifics. There are two modes: smoothing and racking. Smoothing is used all the time unless racking is used. If on, rack focus kicks in when switching between targets, nearest point regions, etc. The rack focus mode has nicer easing curves but is designed for deliberate situations. We do not want to limit you from doing a snaillike rack focus between two persons that are an inch apart but that behavior would be confusing if you don't realize what is happening so we recommend leaving racking off in normal operation.
There is a setting for virtual focus ring which essentially lets you control the curve of focus change over different distances. It's an esthetic choice rather than technical, although if you pick a close distance that is different than your lens, your ability to pull focus at the closest distance might be affected.
Improved Preston integration This is also something we think is a big deal for Preston users. For one, you now have a button in the main screen toolbar for toggling autofocus on and off. With that said, we are working on making the handover better when toggling between auto and manual. We also realize it is not always optimal to have to use the controls on-screen to toggle and are working towards a solution for that as well.
- Some users reported exposure problems in snowy conditions and we've enabled even shorter times to prevent overexposure.
- Focus racking can now be turned off in the pane on the main screen.
- If the left, full, side of the distance scale is visually equivalent to the right, zoomed, distance scale, the left side is hidden. This should prevent the "why are there two identical focus scales?!?" confusion some of you may have had. Sorry about that.